Life in a plaster cast is not easy

This site is all about getting around in a plastercast, and gives some tips on mobility when you have a leg or foot in a plaster cast.

I recently spent time in a plaster cast (then an air cast) and found expectations did not match reality. So I will share what I learned, and hope it helps.

If this site does nothing else, it should warn you what to expect, from the reality of my own recent experience, not in a textbook sort of way. “Getting About” (above) leads you to all sorts of scenarios, please have a look.

  • You will go through stages where your mobility seems almost nil.
  • Being at rest may not be as easy as you might think.
  • Unpleasant practicalities need to be faced – like going to the toilet, or getting food.
  • You may at times be truly fed up.

Having both legs/feet in plaster brings a lot of additional challenges, that I have not had to face. I cannot include any specific tips here to help you cope with these, unless anyone would care to contribute?

Life in a plaster cast is not easy, but nor impossible. Don’t despair, don’t be put off – but do think and do be careful.